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Hello. Below you will find some of my Christian writings (essays mostly) for your enjoyment and (hopefully) your spiritual edification. May God bless you as you peruse them and thank you for taking the time to read them! It is my fervent prayer you are blessed by these writings! Please click the title to read each writing.
All About My Surrender (A Personal Testimony) - My personal testimony and many of the things I've learned the past few years in my walk with Christ.
An Essay on Mature and Effective Prayer Self explanatory
An Example of Answered Prayer An example of God answering a prayer for wisdom and insight.
The Afghan - A story about how God blessed me in a most unexpected way.
Good Intentions An essay examining how even the best of our intentions are flawed if not surrendered to God's will.
If it Pleases the Lord (James 4:15) An essay that reminds Believers about who God is and who we are, even in the midst of suffering.
Insights Into Mark 2:1-4 - An essay examining the story about the paraplegic Jesus healed and how it should inspire us in our attitude toward others.
Learning God's Ways (Psalm 1) An essay examining the importance of learning God's ways and applying them.
The Nature of Temptation and Evil - An essay examining the clever ways Satan can lead us down the garden path of evil.
Praying for What is Right - An essay discussing how we can pray more effectively once we learn to surrender our will to God's alone.
Success vs. Progress - An essay discussing and examining the differences between the world's view of success and God's view. God just wants progress!
Testimony - My own personal testimony about my personal walk with Christ.
The True Nature of Love An essay examining the true nature of love and how God demonstrates it and how we ought to demonstrate it.

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