



Priceless Things

Life holds so many priceless things
The falling rain, the wind that sings
Each star on a high, a big full moon
And sunbeams dancing in your room
The river as it rushes on
A sunset when day is gone
No wealth can buy a mountain tall
These priceless things belong to all
An autumn tree lends beauty rare
With leaves piled deep most everywhere
As nature wears a glowing smile
To make each day a day worthwhile
Could anything be quite as dear
As laughing children that we hear
The gift of friendship that is ours
The miracle of growing flowers
Each magic moment, treasured time
These priceless gifts are yours and mine.

Author Unknown





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Download the zip file :::HERE:::
The font used for buttons is "Daresiel Demo"
(color button #c0c0c0)

© Sindy's Creations 2002-2007

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