"Trip to Galgotha"
Everyday I take a trip to Galgotha,
and I carry hammer and nails,
or an old rugged cross.
And everyday I choose whether
to forget or remember
what my salvation cost.
Everyday I choose to either
cast lots for spoils or
take lashes to my bare back.
And everyday along that road I either
stumble along side Him
or viciously attack.
Everyday as I climb that hill
I either stand with the crowd or
humbly bend the knee.
And everyday I’m either crucified with Him
or nailing Him again to that old
splintered tree.
Everyday as I go to Galgotha
I choose whether to
extract or to pay a price.
Everyday I go to Galgotha
I’m either a willful executioner
or a willing sacrifice.
And dear Lord as I go to Galgotha
please help me to remember
You are with me.
And please remind me that
it was Your Son’s trip there
that finally set me free.
© Copyright 2011 Heather S. Bahnmaier. All Rights Reserved.