I truly love Thanksgiving. Some of my fondest memories (from childhood on) are the lovely and lively feasts I've shared with family and friends over the years. It is the one day of the year when I know that we will all be together if not physically, in spirit. I made this page to honor that and to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving! May you be blessed with a bounty of love this year!
The First Thanksgiving by Jean Louis Gerome:
A gift from me to you!
A Thanksgiving Poem I wrote for a contest in 1999. (I got 2nd place for it.)
As You Gather...
As you gather around the dinner table~
and join your hands in prayer~
giving thanks for friends and family~
including those who can't be there....
Remember the less fortunate~
those who serve as a reminder~
that not everyone has a wonderful life~
so we should all strive to be much kinder.
Remember the homeless out on the streets~
and the elderly alone in nursing homes.
The children who'll never live to adulthood~
and the dogs and cats nobody owns.
Please say a prayer for them~
and bless their lot.
And please don't ever forget~
all of the good things you've got.
Yes, be thankful you aren't one of them~
as you bow your head in Thanksgiving.
You can never be truly thankful~
without a heart that is kind and giving!
Copyright © 1999. Heather Bahnmaier. All Rights Reserved.
My Thanksgiving Adoptions:
From Anita Samsom's Original Art Graphics:
From Mystickal Realms:
From One Feather: