Hello and welcome to my Enchanted Realm Spirit Page! I used to compete in The Wizard's Quest on the Enchanted Realm. I had a great time doing that too and might do it again sometime. But for now I'm retired from there and The Wizard's Quest and Enchanted Realms are closed forever. However, I wanted to share my spirit still, so here is my page with all the wonderful gifts and awards from my competition days as well as my Spirit stuff (I was a Spirit, yippee!)!

I'm Spirit Moon!

Here are my wings!

This is my spirit stick!

I won this June 2003

This is a gift from Robin!
Now for my competition days!!
Lookie what I won!

This is my Limited Edition Easter Fae from the Enchanted Realm, my team!  
Here are some gifts I've received from my team!


My thanks to Spirit Sprite Fairie for these dusting bags!  
Thanks to Spirit Twyla for these dusting wands!

Thanks to Sprite Starlight for the dusting wand!
Thanks to Lady Sportie for this dusting wand and dusting bag!

My thanks to my buddy Maggie Skye for the congratulations!

My thanks to Maggie Skye, my buddy, for adopting these for me!

 Lord Knuck himself came by, see, see!

Lady Flutterby from The Age of Chivalry dropped by! Look what she left for me! 
Lady Fiona from Enchanted Realm came to see me and look what she left! 
Spirit ThornWater dropped in too! See what she left! 
 Look what my friend Azaria sent me! She's on the Lonesome Wolves team.
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