With a whimsical notion, I watch the clown~
his painted on smile concealing a frown.
What if I were to remove his mask?
Oh, it would not be a difficult task.
I would leap from the audience onto the stage~
and wipe off his paint, revealing his rage.
Some in the crowd would leap to their feet~
while others in horror, would be glued to their seats.
Tears would flow from the clown's hate filled eyes~
further smearing his clever disguise.
Most of the crowd would then boo and hiss.
I then the ham, would blow them a kiss.
Security would hastily usher me out~
and from behind me I'd hear the clown shout~
"I'll see that you're an outcast for the rest of your life!~
For a ticket of admission, you most pay a price!"
As I sit in the audience and watch him perform~
I decide to stay inside where it's warm.
Let some other fool remove the clown's mask.
As for me, I'm not up to the task.
Copyright © 1992 Heather Bahnmaier. All rights reserved.