Before the beginning of
what man calls time,
God said I’ll make each child.
And I will call each one Mine.
Before the stars were crafted
in heavenly places,
God thought up every person
and every feature of their faces.
Before the earth’s waters
were ebbing and flowing,
God imagined each being
that He would be knowing.
God imagined each soul
and all their secret places,
through both dark and through light,
His fingertip traces.
Intimately knowing the
timbre of each voice,
He walks along side us,
through each and every choice.
He numbered the hairs
on each and every head.
And measured our every moment
and our daily amount of bread.
He planned our every second
and every sunrise and sunset.
And there is not a millisecond,
He will ever forget.
Crafted in His heart,
established in His mind,
was each and every person
before the beginning of time.
Each and every name
is written in His hand.
And the love He bears for all,
no mortal can understand.
His love knows no limits,
as amazing as that sounds.
His love is eternal.
To His grace there is no bounds.
Knowing us before
each of us drew breath,
He walks along side us,
from birth until death.
© Copyright 2012 Heather Bahnmaier. All Rights Reserved.