I see the question in your eyes~
your heart proclaims a doubt.
The curtain is up, the stage is set~
to play this scene on out.
We broke the rules as we've rounded the board.
The pieces lost, broken or scattered.
But through it all, we've kept playing on~
while every illusion is shattered.
I've gone through all the detours along this path~
but I've always found my way back home.
You are the constant that keeps me going~
and without you I am alone.
Through all of the mistakes, wounds and pain~
I still see a light flickering in hope.
Is it a flame that burns with promise?
The promise that allows us to cope?
Shall we take this journey side by side?
Finish this leg as one?
When I gave you my vow of forever~
'twas the only good thing I had done.
You are all that matters in my life.
Yes, you are all that is worthwhile.
My life is empty and void without you~
and the bright promise of your smile.

Copyright © 1994. Heather Bahnmaier. All rights reserved.
